Monday, March 6, 2017


Blogger Award

Okay, it's surprising that a few bloggers have awarded me with this "Sunshine Blogger Award!". I'm so touched that I never thought I would be someone who will shine other people's life. I would like to thank Lya Amie for nominating me. I don't really know how to start this entry because it's my first time ever writing in English in this blog. It's quite awkward to be honest because I don't know how to make "pun intended" kind of post since I am naturally a joker when using Malay Language? Never mind, let's give it a try. There's no harm in trying right?

Sunshine Blogger Award
So, above are the rules that I need to follow in order to complete this Sunshine Blogger Award (suddenly the song of "you are my sunshine" popped out in my mind lol. Since she disabled right click in her blog, I had to screencapture the rules. Thanks for making my life so difficult Lya (had to retype the questions as well) HAHA.
Without further ado, let's start to answer the questions
1) A simple introduction about yourself and your blog

I am a future teacher InshaAllah in the nearest time.  Previously, I don't really want to become a teacher. I don't even know how on earth I could be in this profession but after going through 5 and a half years of training, I fall in love with the profession :) . I am 24 years old and single (lol do you have to mention that Syed?). Definitely not a short-tempered person but don't go beyond my limit. I could be your worst nightmare. I don't really have a specific niche for this blog because my blog simply talks about everything. If I think that the issues are worth to be written, I just literally knocking my laptop's keyboard (since I only blog using laptop).

2) What's your fear or phobia? Why?

I don't know what I am fear of. I think maybe I have this fear of dark places. Even though I am dark, it doesn't mean that I am fear of myself. NOOOO hahaha. I have this different feeling when I am strolling around the city in the dark. I am not scared of ghost or any abnormal things, but I am more insecure with the people around me. I am scared that some random people I met by the roadside would rape me or something hahaha. (you're not a girl syed!). Please don't believe this, it's not even true.

3) What makes you happy? Why?

Happiness is something  that is very subjective. Different people has different views about what happiness is. For me, I am not that hard-to-please kind of person, little things like a smile in the morning could make me happy. That's why its important for you to smile to every person you met because you never know how your smile could change someone's world. In the blogging world, I am happy to receive a lot of positive feedback from the bloggers and random people as well. I never thought that my blog could inspire them. I like to eat and eating my favorite food could make me happy as well. You don't need to impress me with presents or gifts during my birthday, you can just bring me to any good restaurant and I could be happy for the rest of my life. why? because food is like a therapy for everyone! hehe.

4) What is the thing that you would like to change about yourself? Why?
This question is pretty hard for me to answer because I love myself. Every inch of me is perfect from the bottom to the top! (lol it's Meghan Trainor's song!). If I am given the opportunity to change myself, maybe I would want to be a little bit fair. I know that black is the sexiest thing in this world but I need to look good in pictures too. I hate it when I need extra lighting to capture a photo of myself (sometimes, not every time). However, I'm grateful that I stumbled a lot of blog posts saying that dark-skinned men are the sexiest men in this world. So, I changed my decision. I don't want to change anything hahahaha so indecisive me..

5) What was the last movie you watched and the last book you read? How was it?

The last movie I watched was...I can't remember any! That movie must be damn boring so that's the reason why I don't have any idea of it hahaha. Book? it's been so long since I read books. I have the same answer as well, I can't remember any of it because it's stored in my short-term memory. I need to sit and meditate for 2 days only then I can remember all the movies I had watched and the books I had read. Sorry for not answering this question nicely hahahaha.

6) When was the last time you broke someone's heart? Why?

Recently?  I don't know how to answer this question haha. Sometimes we thought that "yeah, she's the one!" but you know you just suck in relationship. I think, we know what we want and everyone should respect that. To live together until we're getting old by days need a lot of patience and tolerance. If you can't even tolerate with his/her weaknesses. How do you expect to live as a happy couple for the rest of your life? Marriage or relationship is not something that you can toy with. If you don't like someone, tell him/her straight in their face. Stop giving false hope.

7) Wash dishes, clean bathroom or vacuum the house?

Is it compulsory for me to choose any of the chores above? hahahaha I choose not to do anything and laying on bed doing nothing! can I? hehe kidding. For me, I would prefer to vacuum the house. Since I don't own any vacuum in my house, it must be fun if I have that opportunity to hold a vacuum cleaner and 'playing' with it! I will always wash my dishes every time I have finished eating my food. It doesn't feel good when someone has to wash you dishes. Don't be selfish, you have to clean your own shit. Don't depend too much on others and try to ease someone else's burden especially your mother.

8) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

School. I'll be in school like for the rest of my life after this. If there's any opportunity for me, maybe I would want to be a lecturer so I could be in the campus teaching the university students.

9) What is that one thing you will never do?

I am that kind of person who likes to try something new. So, I am up to any new challenges even if it's difficult for me to cope with. I love that feeling I had when I had done something new and out-of-my-capabilities. (I am serious about this one)

10) If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Since I love eating and trying new food, I am offended by this question!. It's not fair, it must be difficult to make a decision. I can't even respond to the question "where to eat" properly and now you asked me to answer what meal will I have for the rest of my life? No, you ain't getting any answer from me hahaha I can't make any decisions right now. Everything looks so delicious and tempting when it comes to food. You get me?

11) Name 2 items and 1 person you'll bring along to survive with on a deserted island. Why?

Okay this one is pretty easy for me to decide. Two things I would bring are wok and spatula. I would bring along my mother to survive with me because she is a great cook. Having a wok and spatula would help us to survive longer on that island! (if only I know how to start a fire). Wait, can I bring a lighter as well? so it's easier to make a campfire and cook everything we want haha.
Okay I think that's all from me. Sorry for not being able to make new questions and nominate other bloggers to answer my questions. I am not good in making questions haha and most of blogs that I read, have been nominated by someone else. I'm so happy to be able to publish my first post in English for this blog (okay lame)


  1. Okay.. entry syed nie berjaya buat akak senyum dan gelak sorang2.. Adoilah.. Serius syed.. Hahahaha.. Apapun nice entry.. dapat kenal syed lebih sedikit dari sebelum nie..

    1. hahaha apa yang akak gelakkan tu kak. Thanks kak haha macam best pula jawab soalan2 ni.

  2. Kak ana tgh mengarang ayat utk segmen ni. Tak pandai eng lah. Segan pulak rasanya 😅

    1. Takpa kak, buat confident ja as long as makna tu sampai hehe.

  3. wah full english tu. part last sekali bijak juga nak survive tu

    1. hehehe sebab soalannya dalam English so saja gatal nak try. Kreatif kan saya? kahkah.

    2. hihi memang kreatif. good job

  4. Tak habis baca lagi ni, ngantukla plak,baru blk koje ni, so no further komenla ye, nnt in shaaAllah ada masa akk dtg komen blk, itupun kalau terajin, haha
    Btw, tq follow akk. Akk bls follow ye.

    1. hahaha okay kak. takpa no hal. thanks datang melawat blog saya hehe.

  5. Sampai noktah yang terakhir, Fairuz gelak je Syed! All hail Syed! Peace✌

    1. hahahah jap apa yang korang gelakkan ni. tak faham la.

  6. pecah tak kepala nak jawab semua soalan ni? hahahaha
    serius basuh pinggan lagi seronok dari vacuum sebenarnya.

    happy blogging n nice to know u syed! :D

    1. same here! I prefer basuh pinggan jugak :D

    2. hahahaha tak pecah sebab rasa macam banyak idea pula walaupun idea merepek kan sebenarya. Memanglah basuh pinggan seronok tapi tak pernah cuba lagi vacuum. Kena cuba juga vacuum sekali haha.

      Nice to know you tooo :)

    3. Hanis pun suka basuh pinggan? okay boleh la cop korang untuk tukang basuh pinggan kalau ada nak buat kenduri nanti kahkah.

    4. HAHAHA ni la muka duduk depan paip basuh periuk belanga kalau buat makan2 T_T

  7. bestnya kalau dapat menaip entry dalam english jugak ohhhh. nak speaking bukan main bercinta sebab berterabur sangat nanti ayatnya hahaha. by the way semoga berjaya jadi The Awesome Teacher Syed! :D

    1. hahaha alah elsa belum cuba belum tahu, cubalah dulu. Kot2 macam mat saleh terus.

  8. Your English is good. Write more.

    1. Not really actually haha. I will if I have time haha thanks :)

  9. Aww thanks for doing it. I did the questions in Malay in case nak buat in Malay, tak sangka you did in English. Good job, your English is excellent!

    And seriously sorry, lupa pasal I disabled right click tu. Gigih Syed taip balik ye hahahaha. Sorry!

    1. hahahhaa I know that. Bila tengok ada dwibahasa tu terus rasa macam (ni mesti untuk aku ni sebab aku tulis blog dalam bahasa melayu ja hahaha). So I took that as a challenge kahkah.

      Haaaaa gigih kot. nak save gambar pun tak dapat! hahaha kena printscreen + retype balik. too much work for this.

  10. because food is like a therapy for everyone! -haaa, yg ni sy setuju! sedih, makan. gembira, makan. kecewa, makan. lapar, makan. kenyang, makan. tido ja tak makan.

    dark-skinned men are the sexiest men in this world -macam ada baca entry ni tadi

    1. kalau boleh tidur pun nak makan kan? hahahaha.
      Haaaa memang ada pun entry tu tak ingat kat blog siapa haha.

  11. I love to read your answers for Q6. It reflects my own thought as well about relationship :)

    1. Thanks. It's true right? some people do not take relationship seriously and I'm so pissed off for that.

    2. Yeppp agree, well for me, relationship / marriage is never about feeling between two people. It always come with responsibilities, families, future plans. :)

      But, sometimes (from my friends' experiences) eventhough two people work hard to make it real, it can end up not in the way we can imagine T_T

    3. Couldn't agree more. if you're willing to take the responsibilities as a husband or wife, then you go for it. Don't get into marriage just because all of your friends are happily married. We don't really know what other people might go through in their marriage.

      We want the best for ourselves but it scares me if things do not turn up the way we want :\

  12. I cracked me up throughout the end.. And it's a good idea of survival.. Well, what else could you expect from someone whom live for food kan? XD

    1. Kenapa semua pun nak cracking ni tak faham la mana ada buat lawak hahaha. Yeah, I would do anything as long as I can eat! "live for food" sounds soooo bad haha.

  13. Wow I'm impressed with you Mr. Syed..
    Well done 👍

  14. Replies
    1. Tak band 6 la. Itu tahap native dah tu. beberapa ketul ja ada kat Malaysia ni haha.

  15. Even though I am dark, it doesn't mean that I am fear of myself. NOOOO hahaha.

    Eh, apa hang merepek ni,hahahahahaahahahahahahahahhaha. Sikit lagi anak menakan nak terjaga sebab duk mengekek gelak baca jawapan ni.

    Well, bawak mak pi mana-mana pun, gerenti selamat. Hahaha. Magic mak ni.

    1. hahahaha nasib baik anak menakan tak terjaga kalau tak nanti habislah mai kena marah. Betul tu wajib bawa mak nak pergi mana mana pun hehe.

  16. Tahniah atas pencalonan anugerah sunshine ya.
    Ada aura matahari dalam blog ni

  17. salam perkenalan dari kak rin...
    tq for visiting my blog ye dik syed

  18. Wahh im so impressed lah.. english teacher - to - be.... teachersyed.. mesti tak sabar nak dengar budak - budak panggil teacher Syed.. :D.. lol the answer for question number 11 is quite hilarious .. of course akak pun buat macam tu jugak haaa.. apa lah nak bawak mak .. bayangkan syed dok sorang er lahhh

    1. hahaha tak sabar lah juga tapi dah merasa dah time praktikal dengan internship dulu hehe. haah, mana boleh duk sorang kalau takda mak kak hehee.

  19. Waaaaaaa cik epal datang komen dekat blog ni la! *pengsan hahaha
    Thanks Cik Epal! :)

  20. Hmm kalau english ni saya lemah sikit la :(


  21. If the blogger disabled the right click, you actually can "ctrl + C" and copy them. Heheh

    Rasa macam baca buku English. Hebat Teacher Syed :D

    1. I've tried but dia disable untuk highlight text juga haha. tak dapat nak highlight text untuk tekan CTRL+C tu.

      Ehhh takdalah biasa-biasa ja English saya.

  22. tak layak lagi..tapi seorang syed pasti boleh


  23. Bakal cikgu rupanya Syed. Hihi. And your English is superb! Why not writing in English? Hii.

    I think Lya put the Malay version of her questions because of me! Hahaha.

    1. hahaha I don't know, I think I'm more expressive when using bahasa kah2.
      Hmmmmm maybe she wanted to make it look like an exam paper. So, she wrote the questions in both languages. kahkah.

  24. Tak buat lagi entry pasal nih. Fuh fuh, kena buat preparation nak tulis dalam english ni.

    Aura menulis mana hang lari, malas semacam je ni~ -_-

    1. haha bukan dah pernah tulis dalam English dah ke?
      Takpa kejap lagi sampai la seru tu hihihi

  25. haha.. busyra pun belum pernah tulis english dlm blog. rasa pelik. tp english syed ni power. hehe. nak dibandingkan dgn busyra.. haha. sronoknya dapat kerja cikguuu. dpt balik awal skolah.. :P

    1. hahaha busyra try la dulu, rasa syok juga sebenarnya tulis dalam English ni hihihi. dapat balik awal tapi kena bawa kerja sekolah dekat rumah haha.

  26. waaahhh! hebatnya saya dapat nominated. Tahniah syed!

  27. Congratulations for being nominated Syed. And yes! Good Luck for another 10 years and your future undertaking. I love the last question and answer. clearly that you are a good son :) I hope my sons will have a same answer like yours :)

    1. Thanks kak! hehehe to be precise, anak mak kot. Surely your sons will be a good son, aminnnnn.

  28. Some of the answer were funny. I can't believe you choose to drag your mother just so you can eat nice food! Bhahahahha. Anyway, your English is good!

    1. hahaha my mother must be with me no matter what the condition is! kahkah. Thanks Afifah :)

  29. alfun mabruk!
    double thumbs up!!!

  30. Smooth sangat vocab Syed. Hahaha impresss gilaaaa 😂

  31. eh kalau terkandas kat island bawak mak ye..kesian ayahandanya pulak..hehe
